Cash For Fun Game Night is Ready to Be Big! Bring Your Friends for Good Times and Good Luck!
The Details Each participating SEATED guest will receive one game board per round. Game Boards are limited and are first come first serve.
Reservations are Recommended and may be limited to dining room seating only. Bar Seating is first come first serve. Email or Call 302-856-6283
The Small (But Important) Print You must be 18 or Older to Participate, Win Cash or Prizes. No Consideration, Entry Fee or Obligation To Participate or Purchase anything. Mulligans Pointe Staff are prohibited from winning cash or prizes. We are required to submit IRS form W2-G to any winners of prizes valued at over $600. We reserve the right to limit boards to one per table if necessary and based on occupancy guests may have to wait in lobby until seating is available. Pay it Forward Donations are accepted!* All cash and prizes are provided by Mulligans Pointe and will be paid to winners at the conclusion of each game.